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How to brighten up your home this spring

How to brighten up your home this spring

How to brighten up your home this spring

October 10 2024

With warmer days upon us and spring in full bloom, it’s the perfect time to refresh your home and bring in some brighter, uplifting touches. If you’d like to make some changes after the gloomy winter months, there are plenty of simple, inexpensive things you can do around the house to liven up the space.…

Understanding your Home’s Energy Rating

September 26 2024

If you’re building a home, you’ve probably heard the term ‘energy rating’ thrown around here and there. If you don’t know much about energy ratings and their significance, it’s worth spending some time to try and understand Australian home energy efficiency requirements, as they can significantly impact the design and structure of your home. What…

Buying a Home in WA? Here are the Costs You Need to Know About

September 12 2024

Buying a home is a significant investment that requires budgeting, thorough planning and a clear understanding of the financial commitments involved. It’s important to be aware of all potential fees before you proceed, so you can ensure that you meet your obligations to your lender and manage your finances effectively, avoiding unexpected financial strain. These…

Granny Flats

September 03 2024

If you have a sizeable block and you’re looking suggestions as to how to utilise the empty space, have a think about adding a granny flat! What is a granny flat? A granny flat is a fully independent living space that can be either an extension of the main house or a separate structure. It’s…

How to Prepare for a Home Open & Make the Best Possible Impression

August 19 2024

If you’ve decided to part ways with your beloved home, then you’re on your way to experiencing what we all must go through at one stage or another… the dreaded home open. Ensuring that your home looks its best is crucial to attracting as many potential buyers as possible (who will hopefully adore your home…

Winter Wonders… How to Make the Most of Colder Months

August 01 2024

Are you one of the unlucky ones stuck in Perth while your friends and family gallivant around in warmer European climates? When you’re a new homeowner with a mortgage to pay, travelling can begin to seem like a distant memory. While Perth can experience some beautiful winter days, finding things to do can be tricky…

How to build a pet-friendly home

May 21 2024

At Mr Enthusiast, we’re big animal lovers. We proudly support the Animal Protection Society of WA and have fur babies of our own, two dogs named Mishka & Shadow, and a cat named Faith. So, we’re no strangers to the difficulties that can arise if your house isn’t optimally designed for pets. If you’re in…

Growing your Green Oasis: A Guide to Indoor Plants

May 01 2024

The time has finally come. We officially know enough about plants that we can justify writing an entire blog about them. So that we don’t ramble on for hours, we’re going to focus solely on indoor (aka house) plants and how to care for them, covering topics like choosing the right pot and ridding your…

All About Us – Get to Know Mr Enthusiast

April 18 2024

If you’re a regular reader of our blogs (we know it’s a long shot, but let us live in this fantasy), then you’d know that we consider ourselves experts in all things real estate, house design and importantly, garages. However, it occurred to us that you might not know too much about us, the people…

An Insight into the First Home Owner Grant

March 05 2024

If you’re thinking about purchasing or building your first home, you might have some questions about the first home owner grant (or FHOG for simplicity’s sake!) and whether you’re eligible for it. We’ve done some research into the grant in an effort to condense and simplify the information for you. After all, it’s important to…