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Five new year’s resolutions for your home

Five new year’s resolutions for your home

Five new year’s resolutions for your home

Five new year’s resolutions for your home

17 January 2022

New year, new you. But what about your home? A new year can bring about a new burst of motivation, so why not channel that into your home? We’ve put together five resolutions that will make being at home more enjoyable and easier in the new year.

1. Go Green!

As a society, we have never been more conscious of minimising our environmental footprint, and there’s no reason that this awareness shouldn’t extend to our behaviour at home. No matter your budget, there is always something you can do to make your home more environmentally friendly.  

Of course, there are the big-ticket items like insulation and solar panels, but all the little eco-conscious things you can introduce around the home can also make a big difference over time!

Drawing blinds and curtains & closing windows on summer mornings can help to keep your home cooler and reduce the need for artificial cooling. You can also reduce your environmental impact by remembering to turn lights and appliances off when they aren’t being used and use timers for your reticulation and irrigation systems. Also, don’t forget to recycle as much as you can… every little bit counts!

2. Get Organised

A cluttered home can often lead to a cluttered mind… bring the calm back to your home by doing away with disorder – tidy your space and watch your life and home transform before your eyes.

Cleaning out your home can often seem like a monumental task, so it’s understandable that you might feel too overwhelmed to start. We suggest setting a goal for one room only and then making your way through the rest of your home at your own pace. 

Also, think about introducing smarter storage spaces. You might choose to select furniture that comes with storage spaces or to utilise storage boxes and clothes organisers to maximise space and minimise clutter. Quoting the great Marie Kondo, if it doesn’t spark joy, get rid of it!

3. Back to Nature

In addition to bringing life and colour into your home, plants have several natural benefits. Studies have shown that incorporating plants into your living space can lower stress levels and improve mood and concentration. Plants are not only the best natural air purifiers, but they can also help you sleep better and fight colds. You can even supplement your green groceries with produce from certain plants which have been known to thrive indoors (such as carrots and tomatoes).

4. Super Scents

Too often we’re focused on what our home looks like, but it’s important to keep in mind that finding the right scent for your home is an essential step in interior decorating. Scents can trigger emotional reactions because we process them in the same part of the brain where our memories and feelings are stored. Introducing flowers, candles, or other scented features into a room can stimulate feelings of calmness and nostalgia, and also become part of new memories you create with family and friends.

5. Deep Clean!

Be honest – when was the last time you really cleaned your home? Maybe 2022 is the right time to get into those oft-forgotten spaces and purify your home! Has it been a while since you last moved your furniture to clean? What about your window tracks, window coverings, and pantry? We suggest going through each room and taking some time to think of the places that may have been ignored for a little while. The new year will bring about a fresh start for you, so why not give your home the same opportunity?