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How to Prepare for a Home Open & Make the Best Possible Impression

How to Prepare for a Home Open & Make the Best Possible Impression

How to Prepare for a Home Open & Make the Best Possible Impression

How to Prepare for a Home Open & Make the Best Possible Impression

19 August 2024

If you’ve decided to part ways with your beloved home, then you’re on your way to experiencing what we all must go through at one stage or another… the dreaded home open. Ensuring that your home looks its best is crucial to attracting as many potential buyers as possible (who will hopefully adore your home as much as you do). Read on for suggestions on the things to concentrate on when preparing for a home open.

Tidy up the exterior

While the old adage is to never judge a book by its cover, we’re only human and we tend to make assumptions. If your property appears neglected from the outside, this may deter potential buyers and prevent them from attending an inspection at all. If you’re having trouble identifying what changes you need to make, our advice is to stand outside your home and try to imagine it from an outsider’s perspective. Would someone who doesn’t share your affection for your home and the memories that you’ve created there find it appealing? Making changes to improve your home’s exterior doesn’t need to cost you a lot of money. There are simple, inexpensive things that you can do that will make an impact. For example, change any blown lightbulbs, clean or hide your garbage bins, and high pressure clean your driveway or footpath to eliminate dirt. If necessary, you can also touch up any paintwork on your walls or letterbox!

Make repairs

Wear and tear are normal in any home, and sadly modern fixtures are not built to last forever, so chances are, your house will be due some repairs. Take the time to make small but meaningful changes that will improve the overall quality of your home. Fix any leaking taps, squeaky doors and if possible, replace broken tiles. Prospective buyers tend to notice things that are in disrepair and may take them as signs that your home has not been well cared for or has been constructed poorly. You may need to call in a professional where the work required goes beyond what you can do yourself. You’ll likely need to fix them anyway, so you may as well nip them in the bud. It’s better to have these things sorted early to prevent any delays in listing your home or finalising a sale.

Clean. Clean. Clean.

This one seems obvious, but making sure your home is spic and span before a home open is crucial. You want to make each room look as incredible as possible and tell potential buyers that you have taken good care of your home. In addition to the regular chores like vacuuming and dusting, make sure to polish windows and window frames, wipe down the inside of cupboards, and sweep up any stray cobwebs.


You’re going to have to move anyway, so take the opportunity to rid yourself of things you don’t need and aren’t worth taking with you. Make sure that things like shelves and benchtops aren’t covered in clutter so that potential buyers can properly see and appreciate the features of your home. It might sound harsh, but we recommend limiting the number of personal items that are on display inside your home. You want people to be able to imagine themselves and their families in your home, which can be more difficult when you have hundreds of photographs and personal items staring back at you. Instead, meaningfully position artwork and ornaments that make each room feel welcoming, stylish and well-designed. It’s all about finding a balance between making the house feel homey but like anyone could be comfortable and happy there. If you don’t have faith that your décor can bring out the best in your home, there are home staging and property style companies that can lease you furniture and other accessories, and advise you during the lead up to the home open.

Open curtains, windows and doors

If you’re not selling an underground bunker, then there’s no reason for your home to be dark and gloomy during an inspection. Open up your curtains and blinds to let in natural lighting, a feature that many people look for when searching for a home. We also recommend opening windows and doors to allow some fresh air in before the inspection. You don’t want your home to smell stuffy or musty because it has been locked up for too long. You can choose to leave windows and doors open if the weather is pleasant, or, on really hot or cold days, regulate the temperature indoors. You don’t want people rushing to get out because they feel uncomfortable!

Reposition furniture

Sometimes what looks the best isn’t the most practical or functional. So, if you have furniture or other décor that seems awkwardly positioned, we recommend shifting it to make the space more aesthetically pleasing. People may notice if your furniture is thrown together clumsily, making the room appear oddly shaped or poorly designed. So, it’s worth taking the time to straighten things up in order to make rooms more spacious and even.

Show your garden some TLC

Not everyone has a green thumb, so we’re not expecting you to have a garden that rivals Kings Park. However, you should still keep your garden and lawn neat and tidy to improve the overall aesthetic of your home. Spend some time pulling weeds, mowing the lawn and if possible, pruning any plants or trees. You don’t need to be Edward Scissorhands, tidy lines are all we’re looking for. Oh, and for those of you with dogs, make sure you do a sweep of the lawn to avoid any nasty accidents. Having a prospective buyer track poo through your home probably won’t help you make a sale.  

That’s all from us! We hope this guide is helpful in the lead up to your home open. Who knows, your house might look so good by the time you’re done sprucing it up, you might just want to stay…