Landing Pad

Landing Pad
In June 2020 the Federal government released the HomeBuilder Scheme granting eligible owner-occupiers (including first home buyers) $25,000 to build a new home or substantially renovate an existing home. On top of that the WA Government released the $20,000 Building Bonus Package for those building on “titled blocks”.
The difference between titled and un-titled blocks:
Titled blocks have a registered certificate detailing who owns the land, meaning you can purchase and start the building process straight away. Most of these blocks you’ll find in new estates for example Brabham Estate and The Glades at Byford. These are titled and ready to build on.
Un-titled blocks are not registered and you won’t be able to build on them until the registration process has been completed. The time it takes to register the land is totally dependent on the land developer. These blocks can be found in later stage releases in new estates but might not be titled for quite some time. It’s always best to find this out before purchasing.
How the Government grants work:
The Federal government grant of $25,000 is only available to people who will be ready to start construction within 3 months, and this is where titled blocks come in handy as you can start building on these straight away. However, the deadline for the WA government grant of $20,000 is 6 months, so this might be an option if you’re not able to secure a titled block at the moment.
Following the announcement of the government grants, titled land has been selling so fast that it is getting harder and harder to find and secure a block. That’s where buying through a builder with a solid relationship with land agents, like the relationship Nik has with agents all over Perth, is such an advantage.