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New Year, New Home

New Year, New Home

New Year, New Home

New Year, New Home

02 January 2023

Whether you’re like me and celebrate new years with a small group of close friends or you would rather head to one of the hottest New Year’s Eve parties being held around Perth, take this time to reflect on the past year and make some goals (I know it’s cliche) for the new year.

One goal you might want to give some thought to this year is to move out of your parents’ home, your rental, or even your current home and into your own new home.

I can help you sort things out to make that achievable. You might think that it is not an option right now, but trust me, you always have options. You might think you don’t have enough money for a deposit or won’t be able to pay off a mortgage, trust me, I work within your budget not the other way around. Building a home can be such a daunting experience, I know, I’ve been there, that’s why I do what I do. Setting a goal for a new home shouldn’t keep you up at night with worry, you should be excited by the prosect and look forward to smashing that goal by the end of the year. So come in and have a chat with me and the team to help you tick off that new home goal.