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Winter Wonders… How to Make the Most of Colder Months

Winter Wonders… How to Make the Most of Colder Months

Winter Wonders… How to Make the Most of Colder Months

Winter Wonders… How to Make the Most of Colder Months

01 August 2024

Are you one of the unlucky ones stuck in Perth while your friends and family gallivant around in warmer European climates? When you’re a new homeowner with a mortgage to pay, travelling can begin to seem like a distant memory. While Perth can experience some beautiful winter days, finding things to do can be tricky with the threat of rain and ice-cold winds. You need to work a little hard to find things to do, particularly when you’re on a budget and can’t justify going out every other night (or even every weekend). It’s up to you to find engaging things to do at home, a feat that becomes even more difficult for families with kids (we keep you in our thoughts every winter holidays). We maintain that there are plenty of valuable and enjoyable ways you can spend your time at home, so, in an effort to change your perception of winter months, we’ve put together some ideas below!

Home improvement projects  

Are there any DIY projects you’ve been meaning to tackle but haven’t found the time for? Well, now’s your chance! Projects may include replacing old fixtures, like ceiling fans, lights or bathroom fixtures. If you’re up to something a little more labour intensive, you could whip out the paint brush to give the walls a touch up or reseal windows and doors. Installing weather strips can also help to prevent heat loss and reduce heating costs. These are all home improvements that can be completed indoors, so you won’t be affected by the weather.


Who says spring cleaning need only be completed in the spring? Arguably, winter is an ideal time to rid yourself of things you no longer need. Seeing as you’re likely spending more time indoors anyway, you may as well get your thorough cleaning over with so that you can enjoy the warmer spring days outdoors instead. Plus, it may be wise to perform a deep clean in winter rather than any other time of year; during winter, you tend to spend more time at home, meaning your house could probably use a little more TLC than usual. Additionally, closed windows and doors mean there is less fresh air circulating, so dust can build up quite easily. Disinfecting your home can also help to reduce the chances of illness spreading, which is always riskier in colder months. Make sure to wipe down commonly used appliances and fixtures, like the kettle and light switches.

Experiment with new recipes

If you’ve been looking for the perfect opportunity to experiment with custom hot chocolate recipes, this is it. There are plenty of variations available online, from peppermint to red velvet. If you have kids (or even if you don’t, let’s be honest, we’d do it regardless), then set up a hot chocolate bar with marshmallows, caramel and more, and pop on a movie for a cosy winter night in. If you’re not a hot chocolate fan, then substitute it for fondue!

If you’re looking for things to cook beyond the chocolate variety, there are plenty of delicious meals that can be made using fresh, winter produce.  Whip out your dusty recipe books or scour the internet for interesting things to make. You can turn it into a collaborative couple or family activity, or even have a cook off!

Host a volunteer morning or afternoon tea

If you’re looking for a meaningful way to give back to your community, consider hosting a morning or afternoon tea to raise money for a local charity. You can contact potential sponsors and local businesses for donations and invite friends and family to purchase tickets. Many attendees may be happy to contribute a dish themselves, so be sure to connect with as many people as possible.

Have a cocktail night

There are plenty of winter-inspired cocktails that will make the cold weather much more bearable. Challenge your friends to a cocktail competition where you each bring something different to the table. Whether you assign each person with different ingredients, or make it colour themed, you’ll be in for an incredibly enjoyable evening.

Are you a winter lover yet?

Even if winter isn’t your favourite season, we hope that we’ve shown there are plenty of meaningful and enjoyable activities you can do without venturing too far from home. Whether it’s baking seasonal treats, engaging in creative indoor hobbies, or ticking off deep cleaning or DIY projects, there are countless ways to make the most of this season without sacrificing your bank account or traveling far from home.