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Tips For Cleaning Your Home

February 03 2021

Unfortunately, household chores are a part of life and each area of your home will need a good clean every now and then. If you take a few minutes out of each day to perform a quick clean, it will save you from frantically cleaning whenever expected (or unexpected) guests come round. Light maintenance can…

House Warmings

November 04 2020

After months of research and home opens, designing, planning and decorating; it’s time to show off your new house.  What better way than by hosting a house warming party to celebrate with friends and family. A successful party does require some planning and preparation, so here are some helpful ideas to get you started. When…

A-Z of Building Terminology

October 06 2020

From setbacks to BAL ratings, navigating through the Australian building jargon can often feel like a never-ending game of scrabble. We have compiled this list of building lingo to help explain some of the most common building terms. GLOSSARY OF TERMS Access – approach or way in. Aggregate – the crushed stone or alternative substance…

These floors were made for walkin’

September 23 2020

When choosing flooring for your home, there is a lot to consider. It’s not just about what looks good but also what is practical for the use of the room and of course budget and personal style. For bathrooms and other wet areas, the best option is always tiling which is why new builds will…

R Codes

August 06 2020

What R these things? R Codes and what they mean. You might hear the term R Codes thrown around when you’re looking to build on new land, subdivide or develop an existing property, but what are they? The City of Swan explains that the Residential Design Codes, or more commonly called the “R-Codes”, provide a comprehensive basis…

Landing Pad

July 21 2020

In June 2020 the Federal government released the HomeBuilder Scheme granting eligible owner-occupiers (including first home buyers) $25,000 to build a new home or substantially renovate an existing home. On top of that the WA Government released the $20,000 Building Bonus Package for those building on “titled blocks”. The difference between titled and un-titled blocks:…

How to style your home like a pro in 3 easy steps

July 07 2020

Styling your home can seem like a daunting prospect when you first start exploring ideas. There are so many visually different styles out there as seen on television, in magazines and social media. So how do you make sense of all the different styles and find a look that works for you? Here are 3…

Little touches make all the difference

June 22 2020

Looking to decorate your new home and seeking inspiration? Look no further. Here are some key points to consider when shopping for interior decorative items. Shop according to the size, layout and existing décor scheme of a room. Try to be consistent with colours, themes and shapes throughout the room or home. A functional space…

New Home Builder Scheme

June 22 2020

What Scott Morrison’s new grant means for YOU… Scott Morrison will attempt to provide Australia’s economy with a rescue, with $25,000 cash grants for new homes. Important to note that the first homeowner grant is $10,000, on top of the $25,000, making it $35,000 straight up for first home buyers. The grant will be means-tested…

How Indoor Plants can transform your home

May 01 2020

There are a few decorating tips that you can use to elevate your home to the next level; a painting, decorative curtains, a book shelf and an indoor plant. There are so many benefits of having an indoor plant, however, let’s be realistic – not everyone has a green thumb and know which plants are…